When procrastination turns into self-doubt it can result in the fear of moving forward. I know this firsthand as it happened to me. Recently when I decided to take a break from creating podcast episodes for What’s in Your Cup. 4 weeks turned into 5 weeks, then 6 weeks and I’m still struggling to get back at it. I’m not sure what happened, some might say I hit a creative slump, but I don’t know that I would agree. I was enjoying every aspect of the process from recording content, editing for release, and sharing new episodes through various social media platforms. There really isn't anything I don’t find joy in doing when it comes to What’s in Your Cup.
What is it with procrastination that starts the landslide of emotions that slow your progress? It’s the same with any other routine you might have, stop doing it for a short period of time and it can be hard to get back into it. Even knowing how much you will enjoy doing something again, procrastination can overcome that excitement quickly. We have all felt it, putting something off again and again, that’s PROCRASTINATION. Then your mind begins to tell you that maybe you are better for not starting, you might have failed anyway, that’s SELF-DOUBT kicking in. The FEAR is real, but you need to push past it.
What have you been putting off until next week, next month or the new year? Identify that one thing and start tomorrow, whatever excuses you are giving yourself, they’re not valid. Just start. Take the walk, talk to a disconnected friend, pickup a book, or put down the extra serving. Whatever you have been putting off its time to take action against procrastination. For me, I’m going to press record and get back to helping people fill their cup. What is it for you?
You’ve got this, the world is waiting to witness your greatness.
Great reminder!